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Women Cell

Women Cell

ROFEL MBA college has started a women cell to increase the awareness and raise women related issues and address to gender sensitizing problems
Committee Member Name
Angirish Nupur Nitin (Convener)
Singhvi Aabha Sunilkumar (Co-ordinator)

Roles & Responsibilities of Women Cell

To increase the awareness and raise women related issues and address to gender sensitizing problems.

To aspire for developing critical thinking ability of women students by keeping them informed in areas like education, employment and health especially reproductive health

To organize various Women Upliftment programs like Women counselling by lady doctor, Lecture of regulatory affairs, to appreciate some outstanding achievement etc.

Students can send or register their complains or problems to grimsrofel@gmail.com

Note Female student / employee can contact any one of above member for her complaint. Name of complainant will be kept secret